Install Centos on Virtualbox or VMware


This is part we will learn how to install centos on any virtual machine. The procedure is same for both virtualbox and vmware. First of all we need to know what the basic uses of this operating system are.

There are lots of uses we can have on this operating system. But now a day the most common use of this system is web server. As web server is usually a public service provider so in this case a lot of modifications and security is needed, so most of the service providers implement this server for a cheap and reliable service. Other than that there are other services like log server, mail server, storage server etc. can be implemented on this operating system.  Eventually we will go through all those system implementations. By this blog we will initially support the beginners then we will provide advance troubleshooting and other common error solutions.

Let’s start the installation.

First of all boot up the machine and within few seconds we will get a screen like shown below.

install_centos_on_virtual_machine - ci1.png

Here we can use the keyboard only unlike windows. So we have to use up and down arrow from the keyboard. As we will install centos in here, so we have to select the first option “install centos 7”. Now hit enter. On the next screen the operating system will check the hardware and it will start checking the services by itself. The screen will look like below.

After that it will start the installation process. On this stage we will get the below screen with options of different languages.

We can choice any language we need. But for our convenient use we will choice English here now click on continue.

On this step we will see three basic options, Localization, software and system. Usually it is not important to modify any of these unless we need any particular type of system. If we want we can mention the kind of software we need on this system, we have to change the criteria from software selection under software section. As we can see we selected the minimal install here because we need to have only the plain operating system here.

On the next step we can leave the installation destination as it is. If we do so then it will design the operating system partitions by itself. But the most common case is we do not do that. A system administrator usually implements a system when he or she needs a particular kind of service. So we have to design the system on the basis of that service or we have to design the service storage and log after the installation.

Now if you want a particular design then we have to click on installation destination. The below screen will be shown on the screen.

As you can see here we have to select the option shown selected on the screen under “other storage options”. Once that is selected now click on done on the left top corner.  It will give us a screen where we can design the storage as we need. That page looks like the below

Initially we will see the page which is blurred without the” add a new mount point” window. As we can see on the above image, there is a plus sign on the bottom left of that window. We have to click on that button then the “add a new mount point” window will pop up. We have to select the mount point first and then we have to mention the size of that particular mount point. As I have shown on this image that I selected the mount point “boot” and gave it a size of 1024 MB. Here the default sizes of the mount points are calculated by Mega Byte. For boot it is not mandatory to give it that much of space. But if you want to keep the boot process have a relaxed work out then it is a good choice to give it a good amount of space.

The same goes for the rest of the mount points.  Here we provided space for the root directory which is known as “’/”, boot directory “/boot”, the home directory “/home” and the swap. After this the page looks like below.

Once we have completed this task we need to click on the button “Done” on the top left of the screen. Then another window will pop up. Which will look like the below.

Here we have to click on the button “accept changes”. Then we will go back to previous page and the page will look like the below.

Now click on “Begin Installation” and we will proceed to the next step.

install_centos_on_virtual_machine - ci10.png

On this step we just need to put the root password.

install_centos_on_virtual_machine - ci11.png

Then wait until the installation is complete. When the installation is complete we will get the below screen.

install_centos_on_virtual_machine - ci12.png

On this step all we need to do, is to reboot the system and our work is done here. We will begin with console of this operating system.

Congratulations we have successfully completed the installation and we can start our basic training from here.

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